PC notes from 1-24-2012

Websites to look for answers to your questions

www.askleo.com (technology related questions)

answers.yahoo.com (general questions)

yes, you can ask google, but google won't give you an answer, they will refer you to a website that might have your answer

~How can I bold (or change the format of the font) in an entire document in Word?

1.   "Select All" the text (edit menu->choose select all) or hold ctrl + tap a

2.   The entire page becomes highlighted

3.   Choose Bold (B on the above toolbar) or whatever other format you want

4.   Click anywhere on the white of the document to remove the highlight

**If it is only one word or a phrase you want to change the format of, highlight or click hold and drag over what you want change**

!!!Important: Type your entire document before you begin changing the formatting (bold, underline, size, style) font!!!!


~My emails don't appear properly, or the sound for the video doesn't work, or the page doesn't display properly on the internet, what is wrong?

Try a different web browser, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer – to see if the problem is resolved.

Browsers are translators that convert the code from the internet into information that makes sense to you…the translator might not be going a good job, try another.

~The sound on a youtube or video on the internet doesn't play, what do I do?

1.   Make sure the volume on your computer is on

a.   Go to the speaker in the bottom right corner and click on it to move the slider up to increase the volume (be sure mute is not checked)

b.   You should hear a sample sound/bing, if not make sure the knob for the volume on your speaker is turned up and that the speaker has power if needed

2.   Check the volume on the video usually on the bottom left of the video look for a speaker.

3.   Click on the speaker and drag the slider to the right or up to increase the volume

~How can I export my address book to another program?



Jason Dare
Computer Trainer
1617 Balboa St.
San Francisco, CA 94121

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