Everything Google

Everything Google - Special Class notes for 8/23/16

What is Google (Alphabet)?
Advertising Company!
They created their own audience for their advertisers.
How do they get their own audience?
Search Engine - Look up anything you want and get an answer. "Google it" is a verb

Search for:
Information on a webpage - fact, travel, company, person…
Directions - maps.google.com
Books (Archived) - books.google.com
Airline Flights - flights.google.com

Why get a Google Account?
  1. go to gmail.com
  2. Click "create account"
  3. Fill out the information (mobile phone and alternate email are not necessary)
Email - gmail.com

Create your newspaper with the news you want to read.
  1. Click personalize on the top right
  2. Edit the categories

Create a jukebox of the songs you want to listen to.
  1. Search for the song you want
  2. Click on the song to preview it
  3. Click the + Add To on the bottom left
  4. Add it to an existing playlist or create a new playlist

Access my Playlist on Youtube
Click the 3 lines on the top left to view your playlists

Get Directions
  1. Type in where you want to go, exact address or name of the place

    Click the star to save the location for future reference

    Scroll down to view information about the place you are going to

Click directions for turn by turn directions by car or transit instructions
Jason Dare Computer Trainer 415/240.4843 learn@sfct.net 1617 Balboa St. San Francisco, CA 94121 www.sfct.net

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