Macintosh Class Notes 7/17/18


If ANYONE contacts you about your computer and offering assistance, tell them "I DON'T USE A COMPUTER!"

Lookup the owner of a phone number, Reverse phone lookup

  1. Go to Google
  2. Type in Reverse Phone Lookup
  3. Skip the "Ads"
  4. Choose a match like, or
  5. Type in the phone number to lookup

If you get an email, DO NOT CLICK ANYWHERE on the EMAIL

Verify the sender of the email is from the company from where they say they are from.

If you use Macintosh Mail:

Hover your mouse arrow over the sender's name

Click on the v to show more information about the sender

Webmail like Yahoo or Gmail now show you the full email address of the sender.


Customize your Safari Favorites for Easy, Quick Access

Safari favorites are found when you click on the address bar on the top of a web page, a list of square icons appear which are the  bookmarks in your "Favorites" list

  1. Visit the Webpage you want to make a bookmark in your "Favorites" list, i.e.,,,, …

  2. Click the arrow pointing up out of the box on the right side of the safari window
  3. Choose "Add Bookmark"
  4. From the window that appears be sure to choose "Favorites" under add this page to:
  5. Shorten the name and make it specific to the page
  6. Click "Add"

Edit the Favorites list

  1. Click the Bookmarks menu
  2. Choose Edit Bookmarks
  3. Click on the v beside Favorites
  4. Click hold and drag a bookmark to change the position
    or hold control and click on the bookmark to delete or rename it

Need to save the bookmark but don't want it in the Favorites list?

Drag it out of the Favorites list into the Bookmark Menu

Jason Dare
Computer Trainer
3145 Geary Blvd, Suite 457
San Francisco, CA 94118

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