PC Notes 3/5/19

I have software in my computer that is causing screens to pop up I don't want and pages to show I don't want. What do I do?

Try downloading Malwarebytes, https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download/thankyou/, and running the software to remove the unwanted malware/adware.

After installing deactivate the 14-day premium trial.

Premium vs. Free

Premium automatically monitors your computer for malware.

Free manually run scans to search for malware.

Search Google for "How to remove [the name of the software]"

You will surely get a response but usually there are way too many steps and in the confusion of the instructions they are trying to sell you a tool.

Another option is to use System Restore the computer to a previous state/date before the malicious/adware software appeared.

How can I check to see if I have System Restore activated?

1. Click the windows icon

2. Type in Restore

3. Choose "Create a Restore Point"

4. The System Restoration/Restore window opens
(you can also access the system restore window from the control panel and the search tool on the top right)

To Turn on System Restore

1. Click configure

2. Click Turn On

3. Click OK

To restore the computer to a previous state/date

1. Click System Restore

2. Follow the instructions

3. Choose a date prior to when your problems started

4. Follow the instructions

Go directly to a website using their website address (includes the suffix .com, .net, .org, .org, etc)

1.Click on the white box on the top of your screen in the middle

2.Type in the full website address

3.Press Enter on the keyboard

Beware of malicious search add-ons/extensions that take over your browsers search function and homepage

Follow there instructions to remove search my way - https://malwaretips.com/blogs/search-myway-com-removal/

Jason Dare
Computer Trainer
3145 Geary Blvd, Suite 457
San Francisco, CA 94118

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